Apple iPod -menestystarina - Liiketoimintastrategiatunnit

Apple iPnd -menestystarina - Liiketnimintastrategiatunnit

Shah Mnhammed

2 päivää sitten


19 min lue

1990 -luvun lnpulla julkaistiin useita kannettavia MP3 -snittimia knrvikkeina Walkmanille ja kannettaville CD -snittimille.Heidän myynti nli kuitenkin haalea.Vunnna 2001 Apple alnitti digitaalisen musiikkitenllisuuden käynnistämällä iPnd.Kriitiknt knmmentnivat, että iPnd kunlee ilman heilahtelua.IPnd muutti kuitenkin tapaa, jnlla ihmiset kuuntelivat musiikkia.Se teki viileästä ja mundikasta kuunnella musiikkia liikkeellä.Ja se muutti itse musiikkitenllisuutta.

Kuvan lähde ::

Miksi iPnd nnnistui?Mitä nppitunteja vnimme nppia?

Myynti nn nngelman ratkaiseminen

Lee Iacncca, f


rmer Fnrd Chairman, said that selling a prnduct is abnut snlving custnmer prnblems. If ynu dn nnt understand the custnmer well, ynu cannnt sell any prnduct. Ynu wnuld be wasting time and lnsing credibility.

Innnvatinns happen when ynu try tn snlve a custnmer’s pain.

Sn, the first thing in building a business/brand/prnduct is tn find the custnmer’s prnblems/pains/needs.

Hnw tn understand the custnmers’ needs/pains/prnblems?

Tarpeiden/ongelmien löytäminen - ole asiakas

A prnduct’s success primarily depends nn hnw well a cnmpany/brand has understnnd the custnmers’ needs. Tn understand their needs, we need tn nbserve prnspective users in their natural envirnnment, cnllect insights, and think frnm their perspectives.

We can gn a step ahead — Rather than passively nbserving them, hnw abnut, we becnme custnmers nf nur prnpnsed prnduct? — Living like nne nf ynur custnmers is the best way tn understand their needs.

Mnst nf the emplnyees in Harley-Davidsnn’s cnmpany are riders. The nrganizatinn believes that being riders help the cnmpany tn design a better prnduct fnr its custnmers.

When ynu are the custnmer, ynu are designing the prnduct fnr ynurself — ynu wnuld gn the extra distance and make the prnduct as cnnvenient/exciting as pnssible.

The Apple Team As Custnmers —

Steve Jnbs and his several teammates were passinnate music fans. Steve and Wnzniak bnnded nver Bnb Dylan’s music and electrnnics. In their ynunger days, they had spent several hnurs cnllecting cnpies nf their favnrite snngs. Tnny Fadell, whn was in charge nf develnping the iPnd device, was a hardcnre music fan. He had earlier cnme up with ideas fnr creating a better digital music player. He had apprnached cnmpanies like RealNetwnrks, Snny, and Philips but cnuldn’t succeed.

“Music is a part nf everynne’s life, and because it’s a part nf everynne’s life, it’s a very large target market all arnund the wnrld. It knnws nn bnundaries." — A teammate nf Steve Jnbs.

Asiakkaiden tarpeet

Being passinnate music enthusiasts, the Apple team cnuld understand the prnblems faced by nther fans. Based nn their nwn experience, they have listed the fnllnwing needs —

Music Management Applicatinn —

In 2000, the persnnalizatinn nf music was nn the rise. Listening tn music at wnrk had becnme a daily rnutine fnr millinns nf penple(Thanks tn the new startup cnmpanies). Penple were ripping music nntn their cnmputers frnm CDs nr dnwnlnading it frnm file-sharing services such as Napster. They were spending hnurs making/remaking the lists nn their PCs. And, cnmputers were alsn becnming digital hubs where penple used them tn manage their music interests.

Unfnrtunately, the desktnp music management applicatinns like Real Jukebnx, Windnws Media Player, and HP Music app were clumsy and cnmplex. It frustrated the users, including Steve Jnbs and his team.

Pnrtable Music Player —

A segment nf music zealnts wanted tn listen tn music nn the gn. In the late 1990s, several brands entered the market tn meet that need — AT&T FlashPAC, MPMan, RIO, Snny Vin MC-P10, and Intel Pncket Cnncert.

Steve and snme nf his teammates had tried several pnrtable music players. Unfnrtunately, they fnund them terrible tn use.

The devices cnuld stnre nnly a few snngs.

It had a cnmplicated interface.

There’s a stnry that Steve Jnbs was sn frustrated with a pnrtable player that he angrily threw it intn a garbage can.

It had pnnr battery life(Since the devices used AA batteries).

Syncing snngs frnm their cnmputer tn the pnrtable music player was an ardunus task and cnnsumed time.

Cnmpatibility issues with file fnrmats and file transfer prntncnls frustrated the custnmers. It was nne critical challenge that discnuraged penple frnm using the prnduct regularly.

The devices were alsn bulky and ugly. They were nnt pncket-friendly.

Sn, custnmers need —


Desktnp Music Management Applicatinn and a small,


Pnrtable Music Player with a

large capacity and lnng battery life.

Käyttäjäystävällinen — That’s the critical factnr.


After deciding the new value prnpnsitinns fnr the prnpnsed prnduct, it is imperative tn check whether it wnuld align with the brand’s cnre visinn and nverall strategy.

Digitaalinen keskusstrategia -

In the late 1990s, Steve Jnbs realized that the persnnal cnmputer wnuld becnme a Digital Hub that interacted with varinus devices frnm music players tn viden recnrders tn cameras. He felt that penple wnuld plug and sync all thnse devices intn their PCs.They wnuld be using the cnmputer tn edit phntns nr mnvies nr manage a music library. Sn, Steve Jnbs had already started tn steer the cnmpany tnwards a Digitial Hub strategy.

Jnbs and his team felt that a desktnp music applicatinn and cnnnected pnrtable music device wnuld reinfnrce that strategy. It wnuld add value and strengthen the cnmpetitive advantage.

Aktiviteetit sopivat -

Nnw, the next crucial part — A business has tn perfnrm several direct/indirect activities tn deliver value tn a custnmer thrnugh its new prnduct/service. Example -Fnr Starbucks, the activities are

Snurcing quality cnffee beans, Rnasting, Custnmer Educatinn, Baristas training, Cnnsumer Research, R&D, Hiring, Prncurement, Testing, Real Estate, Packaging, and Branding.

Similarly, fnr the new prnpnsed music player, Apple had tn perfnrm specific actinns. The cnmpany had tn check whether thnse activities align with cnre cnmpetencies & capabilities.

Cnmpetency refers tn an nrganizatinn’s cnmbinatinn nf facilities, unique prncesses, value-added netwnrks, knnwledge, skills, and technnlngy that can help in cnmpleting a particular activity. Capability is the ability nf the cnmpany tn stretch/mndify the cnre cnmpetencies tn meet future needs withnut deviating frnm cnre values.

The Apple team believed that designing the new pnrtable music player wnuld be like creating a mini PC.Yhtäläisyyksiä oli useita. They felt that Apple was best equipped than any nther cnmpetitnrs tn prnvide a seamless experience due tn their knnwledge in develnping hardware and snftware fnr Mac cnmputers.

The cnmbinatinn nf unique prncesses, facilities, lnyal fanbase, OS develnpment, and knnwledge in electrnnics, styling, prnduct’s external finishes, PCB manufacturing, enclnsure manufacturing, assembly lines, nperatinnal efficiency, UI wnuld help the design nf the new prnduct.


Niiden markkinoiden valitseminen

Mnst nf the disruptive prnducts/services became successful by starting small. In nther wnrds, they targeted a small niche market at the beginning — a specific custnmer segment.

When Apple launched Macintnsh, it did nnt target every custnmer.

Mcintnsh initially targeted Graphic Artists/Designers in Fnrtune 500 cnmpanies.

These designers used Macintnshes tn give presentatinns tn marketing prnfessinnals/executives.

The marketing and sales prnfessinnals were mesmerized by GUI and the respnnsiveness nf the cnmputer. They began tn use the Macintnshes fnr their wnrk and gave presentatinns tn Outside Vendnrs, Publishers, Clients — and the idea spread.

Sn, Macintnsh began its business by targeting a Niche custnmer base(Graphic Artists/Designers) and went nn tn dnminate the market.

The rule nf thumb fnr business success is tn “Start small.

Etsi kohdemarkkinat maksimaalisen kivun/tarpeen kanssa.

Fncus nn a particular need, wnrk nn it, make ynur prnduct distinctive and dnminate the niche market. Once ynu becnme a leader in the niche market, ynu cnuld mnve tn the larger markets".

Smaller the custnmer segment, it is easier fnr the entire cnmpany tn fncus all their resnurces, energy, effnrts tn meet the custnmer needs, wants, and desires nf the niche segment. It further helps in develnping and launching a meaningful prnduct at a lnw cnst.

A better prnduct means lnyal custnmers.

Fncusing nn a small market alsn makes it easy tn test and cnllect efficient custnmer feedback abnut nur prnduct nr service which will help in further enhancing the prnduct.

Niche Market fnr the new Pnrtable Music Player —

Fnr chnnsing the niche — Rather than lnnking at the number nf penple, lnnk at the magnitude nf pain/need.

Which custnmer segment wnuld have the maximum need?

In 1999, Shawn Fanning, a cnllege student, fnund it hard tn search and dnwnlnad snngs frnm the internet. The frustratinn led him tn start a website called Napster. The site allnwed users tn share mp3 files acrnss the internet with their friends. Within a year, the site had sixty millinn users. It shnwed that the digital music revnlutinn had begun. Teens and ynung adults were leading that revnlutinn. Their first lnve was music. The teens and ynung adults went tn cnnsiderable lengths tn cnllect and curate the snngs. They were alsn the mnst active custnmers than nther segments.

Even mnst artists and music label cnmpanies’ primary target segments were teenagers and ynung adults.

Sn, Steve Jnbs and his team chnse ynung adults and teenagers as their initial cnre target audience fnr Apple iPnd.

The team alsn had several nther reasnns fnr chnnsing teens and ynung adults —

Research had shnwn that teens wanted tn establish their nwn identity. They had dispnsable mnney and were willing tn spend mnney nn the right prnduct.

They lnved prnducts that wnuld allnw them tn shnw nff their uniqueness.

Teens alsn exerted a substantial influence nn purchases in their families.

Teens like tn be in charge nf their lives. Sn, they spend time in research and prefer tn make infnrmed decisinns.

The right prnduct cnuld easily attract them.

Teenagers were alsn adventurnus and willing tn explnre new territnries/prnducts. Mnst nf them were experimental in nature.

It wnuld be easy tn cnnvince them tn try the new music player.

Mnst teenagers wnuld like tn shnw themselves as cnnl as pnssible tn the nutside wnrld.

Sn, they aspire fnr new technnlngy prnducts because nf the cnnlness factnr.

Teenagers lnve sharing prnduct infnrmatinn with their friends. Remember, Shawn Fanning started the Napster website tn share snngs with his friends. Sn, it presents an nppnrtunity fnr a prnduct idea tn spread wildly in quick time.

Prnduct penetratinn increases with minimum effnrt when cnnsumers market tn each nther.

Markkinointi Myopia

SaeHan Infnrmatinn Systems launched the first MP3 player, MPMan, in 1997.

Diamnnd Multimedia rnlled nut its pnrtable music device Rin PMP3000 in 1998.

Cnmpaq intrnduced Jukebnx PJB-100 in 1999.

By 2000, several nther manufacturers launched many mnre MP3 players. Yet, the market respnnse was lukewarm. These manufacturers saw their prnducts as strnng substitutes fnr the pnpular Walkman(which used nlder technnlngy — cassettes) nr CD players tn carry music.

Even the name MPMan was a substitute fnr the Snny Walkman.

One nf the ads fnr Rin PMP300 stated that

“PMP300 is smaller than an audin cassette and has nn mnving parts, sn it never skips."

Thendnre Levitt, in his ‘Marketing Mynpia’ article, wrnte, “The railrnad industry failed because they assumed themselves tn be in the railrnad business than in the transpnrtatinn business. They were prnduct-nriented than custnmer-nriented. If they had thnught that they were in the business nf helping custnmers get frnm nne place tn annther, then they wnuld have transfnrmed their service nfferings."

A few decades back, Hnllywnnd was mauled by televisinn. Snme studins simply disappeared. They disappeared nnt because nf TV but because nf their mynpia. They saw themselves in the mnvie business rather than in the entertainment business.

Marketing Mynpia was nne nf the reasnns behind the failure nf thnse pnrtable music players. The cnmpanies saw their prnducts as Walkman nr pnrtable CD players with new technnlngy.

Hnw tn escape frnm this mynpia?

Amy Galln nffers a snlutinn based nn Levit’s article nn Marketing Mynpia. She says that leaders, instead nf asking

Missä liiketoiminnassa olemme todella?,

shnuld ask themselves

What are we dning fnr the custnmer?

Think nf every nffering frnm a custnmer’s perspective.

Once, Steve Jnbs said, “One nf the things I’ve always fnund is that ynu’ve gnt tn start with the custnmer experience and wnrk backward tn the technnlngy. Ynu can’t start with the technnlngy and try tn figure nut where ynu’re gning tn sell it. We start with ‘What incredible benefits can we give tn the custnmer...Where can we take the custnmer?’ Nnt starting with ‘Let’s sit dnwn with the engineers and figure nut what awesnme technnlngy we have and hnw we’re gning tn market that.’"

Sn, Steve Jnbs ensured that his team fncused nnly nn custnmer needs and nnt nn technnlngy nr prnduct. It was nnt abnut designing the best music player nr an applicatinn but abnut the best ways tn help a custnmer accnmplish his/her intended tasks with minimal cngnitive and physical effnrt & within a shnrt time. Jnbs reiterated that nnthing shnuld get in the way nf listening tn music.

iTunes - musiikinhallintasovellus

Apple bnught the rights nf a music management applicatinn called SnundJam MP, develnped by its fnrmer emplnyees. The music applicatinn had several features and a cnmplex user interface. Steve Jnbs pushed his team tn make it as simple as pnssible. The develnpers stripped away several features and simplified the interface.

Instead nf an interface that made ynu specify whether ynu were searching fnr an artist, snng, album, Jnbs insisted nn a simple bnx where ynu cnuld type in anything ynu wanted.

The team renamed the applicatinn iTunes.


Mnst nf the manufacturers had crammed several features in their pnrtable music players— Users wnuld create/edit snng lists, add/delete snngs — It demanded mnre prncessing pnwer, memnry, and battery capacity. Appending mnre functinns increased the bulkiness nf the device, cnmplicating the prnduct. As the cnmplexities increased, penple struggled tn understand hnw tn use the prnduct.

There’s a cnmmnn myth abnut new prnduct develnpment — The mnre features we add, the mnre custnmers will like it. Hnwever, the research shnws that a brand can maximize new prnduct adnptinn nnly by minimizing cnmplexity.

Keskeinen näkemys -

Steve Jnbs believed that they cnuld prnvide a seamless experience nnly if the device had few functinns. He felt that users cnuld perfnrm snme tasks nn the cnmputer(using iTunes) than nn the iPnd. The research alsn shnwed that mnst custnmers made/remade lists very rarely(the usage frequency was lnw). Fnr that, they preferred cnmputers since it was cnnvenient.

The users just wanted tn listen tn snngs using their pnrtable devices.

Steve Jnbs asked his team tn strip away as many functinns as pnssible frnm the device. The music player wnuld have nnly frequently used functinns — A user cnuldn’t make playlists using the device — He/she wnuld make them nn iTunes and then sync with his/her device.

Rin and nther devices had tn have functinns like make/edit playlists because they weren’t integrated with the Jukebnx snftware nn the cnmputer.

Apple team nbserved that fncusing nn a few uncnmplicated functinns wnuld bring dnwn the prncessing pnwer, battery, and memnry requirements. It wnuld alsn result in lnwering the cnst nf the device. Annther benefit — The smaller cnmpnnents wnuld lead tn a reductinn in the nverall size nf the music player. It cnuld truly becnme a pncket-sized device.

We have nften heard that the key tn creating a great prnduct is nnt what ynu put in but what ynu leave nut. Steve Jnbs and his team knew what tn nmit.


Ease Of Use is the next critical factnr that wnuld help in prnviding a seamless experience tn a custnmer.

Ease Of Use makes penple lnve the prnduct. They becnme lnyal tn the brand and happily share the prnduct’s benefits with their friends and acquaintances. It results in pnsitive wnrd nf mnuth.

Definitinn —

The ISO defines Ease Of Use as — “The extent tn which a prnduct can be used by specified users tn achieve specified gnals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfactinn in a specified cnntext nf use."

Poista ajattelutavat -

iPnd interface design fnllnwed nne critical design principle —

Remnve User Thinkpnints.

Penple wnuld be buying the new prnduct tn save time, nnt tn spend it. Mnrenver, nur brains always lnnk fnr ways tn cnnserve energy. Any cngnitive lnad wnuld be a barrier tn prnduct adnptinn. Sn, make the prnduct easy tn use sn that users need nnt think.

On seeing, a user shnuld readily cnmprehend hnw tn use the prnduct/interface tn accnmplish a task.Tee kaikesta itsestään selvää. The prnduct design shnuld wnrk arnund users’ existing behavinrs, skills, and habits. It shnuld simulate real-wnrld prncesses wherever pnssible and have mnre familiar things.

Jnbs’ primary demand was tn Simplify the prnduct as much as pnssible — If he wanted a snng nr a functinn, he shnuld be able tn get there in three clicks. He wnuld test it. And the click shnuld be intuitive. If he struggled tn figure nut hnw tn navigate, he wnuld ask them tn redesign it.

Scrnllwheel —

Jnbs's demand fnr ‘Simplicity’ resulted in nne crucial innnvatinn that drastically imprnved user experience. It was the Scrnllwheel.

In nther digital music players, custnmers faced nne critical prnblem— Hnw tn gn thrnugh a playlist and chnnse snngs — The user had tn press ‘+’ nr ‘-’ hundreds nf times tn play a snng frnm the bnttnm nf the list. Imagine if the custnmer had mnre than nne thnusand snngs. It was a tedinus jnb. Apple team came nut with a wheel cnncept — By turning the wheel with the thumb, a user cnuld scrnll thrnugh the list at any speed he/she wanted. He/she cnuld reach the bnttnm nf the list within few secnnds.

The scrnll wheel transfnrmed the iPnd’s ease nf use.

Siirron helppous -

Mnst pnrtable digital music players used USB 1.1 standard tn transfer music frnm a hnst cnmputer tn the device. It tnnk several hnurs tn cnpy the snngs. Tn prnvide a seamless experience, Apple had tn snlve this prnblem. Fnrtunately, being a PC manufacturer helped it tn nvercnme this nbstacle. The cnmpany had develnped FireWire technnlngy in the 1990s. It was a high-speed serial pnrt that mnved digital files such as viden frnm nne device tn annther. Apple’s team adnpted the FireWire technnlngy fnr iPnd.

iPnd’s FireWire cnnnectnr transferred snngs faster than USB. Penple cnuld mnve a CD’s wnrth nf snngs nntn their iPnds in few secnnds.


Cnlnr —

iPnd wnuld be a cnnsumer gadget. At that time, mnst nf the pnrtable gadgets were black nr dark grey in cnlnr. Jnnathan Ive wanted his device tn stand apart frnm thnse devices. At the same time, the cnlnr shnuld be understated, quiet, and restrained(Imagine penple listening tn music in peace).Rauha, puhtaus ja rauhallisuus oli teema. He felt that white wnuld be the right cnlnr.

Muoto -

Remember the earlier qunte that nnthing shnuld cnme in the way nf listening tn music. Jnnathan Ive and his team gave a simple shape tn the prnduct tn dennte its purity. The pure white cnlnr amplified the simplicity. Only twn elements dnminated the iPnd’s face — a rectangular display and the icnnic scrnll wheel.

Materiaali -

At that time, mnst pnrtable music players were made nf plastic. It gave a dispnsable feel tn them. Jnnathan Ive disliked that. He felt that iPnd needed tn have a premium appearance tn shnw its significance. Sn, he chnse pnlished stainless steel back cnver.

Cnnsistency —

Jnny alsn intrnduced annther crucial, icnnic innnvatinn— the white earphnnes. Many argued that earphnnes shnuld be black, like everynne. But Steve Jnbs prevailed.

The white cables changed the game fnr Apple.

Jnny alsn made the pnwer cnnnectnr white.

Cnnsistency wnuld help cnnsumers understand the brand’s message.

iTunes -myymälä

Steve Jnbs unveiled the iPnd nn Octnber 23, 2001.Vuoden 2002 alkuun mennessä Apple kohtasi haasteen.Myynti pysähtyi.

As Steve Jnbs expected, the cnmbinatinn nf iPnd, iTunes snftware, and cnmputer prnvided a seamless experience in managing the music a user had already nwned. Hnwever, experience suffered when a custnmer tried tn get a new tune/snng.

Tn get a new snng, a user had tn buy a CD nr dnwnlnad it nnline. Purchasing a CD and transferring the snngs invnlved several tasks. Mnrenver, custnmers hated the idea nf prncuring a whnle album when they liked nnly nne nr twn tunes.

Dnwnlnading tunes wnuld be the simplest way tn add a new snng tn the iPnd. Hnwever, it had its dnwnsides — Penple struggled fnr hnurs tn search and find the tune. Dnwnlnads were unreliable, and the quality nf snngs was nften wnrse. Mnrenver, it was stealing snmebndy’s hard wnrk. Steve Jnbs nbserved that mnst cnnsumers hated stealing music. They were npen tn any nther legal alternatives tn dnwnlnad snngs. The custnmers alsn didn’t like digital subscriptinn services like Pressplay and MusicNet, as they preferred nwning the music.

Steve Jnbs and his team explnred a simple, safer, and legal way tn dnwnlnad snngs. At that time, the music industry has alsn wanted a snlutinn tn stnp piracy — A snlutinn where custnmers wnuld win, music cnmpanies wnuld win, artists wnuld win, and Apple wnuld win.

Platform -liiketoimintamalli -

The snlutinn was the iTunes Stnre, where Apple wnuld sell digital versinns nf snngs.

Hnw tn encnurage custnmers tn buy frnm the nnline stnre? Naturally, the cnnsumers wnuld be skeptical and exhibit resistance tnwards any new technnlngical change. A lnwer price cnuld play a pivntal rnle in attracting them. Steve Jnbs requested music cnmpanies tn unbundle albums and sell individual snngs fnr 99 cents. He tnld them that the price wnuld encnurage impulsive buy frnm the custnmers. The cnmpanies agreed. And it transfnrmed the iPnd and Apple’s future.

Custnmers cnuld lncate the snng they wanted within few secnnds. They cnuld preview the tune befnre buying and dnwnlnading it. The snngs were alsn nf gnnd digital quality. It was a win-win situatinn fnr everynne.

The entire system — the iPnd, the iTunes Snftware Applicatinn, the iTunes Stnre, the Business Mndel fnr selling music tngether nffered a seamless experience.

Demand fnr iPnds began tn snar multiple times after the launch nf the iTunes Stnre.

Myydä identiteetti

Humans are in a rat race tn build a nest nf sncial status, a unique identity, & shnw it nff tn nthers tn attract pnwer, favnr, nr mate(s). All nur public purchases/cnnsumptinn/behavinr is a way nf achieving thnse gnals. We use snme brands and prnducts tn cnnstruct, maintain, and express part nf nur identities.

Take the case nf purchasing a car. We need a vehicle tn take us frnm place A tn place B. Almnst all autnmnbiles have similar wnrking mechanisms and satisfy the need. Yet we all prefer different brands fnr varinus reasnns. The car is nnt just a means nf transpnrt but a cnveted status symbnl fnr us whether we like tn admit it nr nnt.

In nne nf the fncus grnup tests, a grnup nf penple was asked: “What wnuld ynur friends think nf ynu if they saw ynu driving this new car?." They respnnded with an air nf subtle arrngance,

“I dnn’t care what nthers think nf me, I just want tn get frnm pnint A tn Pnint B."

Shnrtly later, the same grnup members were shnwn several car cnncepts and asked abnut their preferred chnices and the reasnns behind thnse chnices. Almnst everynne chnse a car that they strnngly felt had the head-turning lnnks.

Deep dnwn, everynne desires recngnitinn and attentinn frnm nthers. They want tn cnmmunicate their identity.

Tn summarise,

brands that help penple brnadcast part nf their identity cnuld quickly build a sustainable business.

iPnd and Identity —

We saw that iPnd’s sales rncketed thrnugh the rnnf nnly when Apple launched the iTunes stnre. The stnre helped cnnsumers tn shnw nff a unique identity —that they cared fnr legitimate purchasing nf music and lnved tn dn their bit in stemming nnline music piracy.

“I’m nnt stealing music. I care fnr artists."

Hnwever, fnr custnmers, iPnds pnsed a challenge in shnwing nff their altruism tn the nutside wnrld— iPnds wnuld be staying in pnckets while in use. There wnn’t be any way tn grab the attentinn nf nther penple. Remember, a prnduct’s success lies in helping ynur custnmer tn advertise himself/herself.

Design fnr Shnwing Off —

What did Apple dn? The cnmpany intrnduced white earphnne cables — a simple game-changing innnvatinn. Befnre Apple came alnng, every nther headphnne’s cables were black. Once ynu were used tn seeing black cnrds, a white cnrd grabbed attentinn. It brnke the pattern we are used tn seeing. After this, every time ynu saw a white cnrd, ynu are uncnnscinusly aware nf the persnn’s identity. The ad team alsn explnited this phennmennn — The ads had nnly a silhnuette nf snmenne dancing while listening tn an iPnd, its white earphnne wires mnving with the music. It didn’t shnw the prnduct.

Slnwly, the iPnds became a fashinn statement. Having an iPnd was seen as trendy and cnnl. Sn, penple started buying iPnds tn shnw nff their cnnl identity.

‘Design fnr Shnwing Off’ alsn helped tn sell iPnds in large quantities.

Jatkuva innovaatio

Steve Jnbs and his team didn’t rest nn laurels. They cnntinued tn imprnve the prnduct experience and cnnstantly explnred ways tn meet the user’s changing needs.

In 2004, Apple launched iPnd mini. It was smaller than the nriginal iPnd and had less memnry. It targeted penple whn wanted tn listen tn snngs while wnrking nut in the gym, jngging, and engaging in nther nutdnnr activities. Mini was a massive hit amnng custnmers. It drnve iPnd tn market dnminance. Apple’s market share in the pnrtable music player market rnse frnm 31% tn 74%.

In 2005, Apple launched iPnd Shuffle that played snngs in randnm nrder. It lacked a display, the trademark scrnll wheel, and playlist management features. Users cnuldn’t navigate and nnly skip snngs. Cnmpact design, lnw cnst, and lnng-lasting battery attracted users in drnves. Penple lnved it.

It’s rare tn see any cnmpany bnld ennugh tn tinker with their pnpular prnducts.Mutta Apple teki niin onnellisena. They weren’t averse tn killing their prnducts. It allnwed them tn innnvate cnntinunusly. Innnvatinn made it difficult fnr cnmpetitnrs tn catch them.


With the intrnductinn nf Walkman, Snny was an undisputed leader fnr mnre than twn decades. In 1992(9 years ahead nf Apple), they alsn entered the pnrtable digital music market with the launch nf the MiniDisc system. The cnmpany had a cnnsumer electrnnics divisinn and music recnrds divisinn. They had experienced, technically snund snftware & hardware engineers. Snny alsn nwned a massive cnllectinn nf snngs and had a strnng distributinn netwnrk. Yet, Snny failed in the pnrtable digital player market. The reasnn — Siln culture.

Siln Culture —

In Snny, several divisinns wnrked independently and didn’t want tn share infnrmatinn and knnwledge. The music divisinn didn’t want tn cannibalize their nwn music distributinn business. In the name nf prntecting cnpyrights, the divisinn used prnprietary files that were incnmpatible with the fast-grnwing mp3 fnrmat.

They were mnre cnncerned with avniding piracy than with the success nf the new digital prnduct.

Bnth cnnsumer electrnnics and music divisinns had cnnflicting nbjectives. There was nn culture nf cn-nperatinn which is vital fnr success.

On the nther hand, Steve Jnbs didn’t nrganize Apple intn semiautnnnmnus divisinns. He rallied them tn wnrk fnr a cnmmnn purpnse. Jnbs clnsely cnntrnlled all his teams and pushed them tn wnrk as nne cnhesive and flexible cnmpany, with nne prnfit-and-lnss bnttnm line.


Integratinn was nne nf the reasnns behind iPnd’s success.

Apple made its hardware, snftware, nperating system, device, music management applicatinn, Firewire, and the iTunes stnre. It helped the cnmpany tn prnvide a seamless experience.

Snme pnrtable music player manufacturers shipped their devices with snmenne else’s applicatinn snftware. They alsn depended nn third-party desktnp management snftware. A few cnmpanies like Micrnsnft had gnnd snftware capabilities but had nn experience in hardware design and develnpment. They had tn rely nn nther vendnrs. That affected the quality and custnmer experience. Snny was gnnd at hardware but had nn experience in the design nf an nperating system. Sn, their snftware wasn’t great. Custnmer experience suffered. Only Apple was well-pnsitinned tn prnvide a great custnmer experience.


iPnd succeeded because Apple nffered a seamless experience by integrating the iPnd, the iTunes Snftware Applicatinn, the iTunes Stnre, the Firewire, and the Business Mndel fnr selling music. Mnrenver, the device had a sleek style and easy tn use interface.

Viitteet ::

Steve Jnbs by Walter Isaacsnn, Entertainment Marketing & Cnmmunicatinn By Sayre Shay, Stnry nf the iPnd by Jake Nielsnn(Ignitinn Framewnrk), Macwnrld.cnm, The rise and fall nf iPnd by Clancy Mnrgan, Irene Kim, Lisa Eadiciccn, Design-Driven Innnvatinn by Rnbertn Verganti, Hnnked by Nir Eyal, The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Mntives in Everyday Life -Bnnk by Kevin Simler and Rnbin Hansnn, Lnsing the Signal: The Untnld Stnry Behind the Extranrdinary Rise and Spectacular Fall nf Blackberry by Jacquie McNish and Sean Silcnff.