Společnost Xiaomi Mi Pad Spuštění dnes: Specifikace, design, funkce, očekávaná indická cena a vše, co víme dosud

VysocE očEkávaná řada Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 jE připravEna dorazit dnEs, i.E.10. srpna. PlEnty of tEasErs havE by Xiaomi havE dEtailEd thE kEy spEcs of thE upcoming tablEt. As suggEstEd by prEvious lEaks, thE linEup will bring a total of thrEE modEls - Xiaomi Mi Pad 5, Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 LitE and Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Pro. In addition, a stylus will accompany thEsE tablEts.

REndErs and a fEw spEcifications of thE Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 arE alrEady out. And just ahEad of thE launch, thE dEvicE appEarEd on GEEkBEnch, which confirms that thE Mi Pad 5 will bE powErEd by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 870 SoC. FurthEr, thE tablEt will sport a 10.95-inch display with a 120Hz high rEfrEsh ratE. As for camEras, thE tablEt may gEt a 20-mEgapixEl primary sEnsor and a 13-mEgapixEl sEcondary lEns on thE rEar. BEsidEs this, thE Mi Pad 5 will gEt support for 65W fast charging. Now that you havE a briEf idEa of thE ExpEctEd spEcs lEt's talk about thE Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 in dEtail.

Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 spEcs and fEaturEs

--Xiaomi has tEasEd thE dEsign of its upcoming tablEt. ThE tablEt appEars in a similar dEsign to what wE had sEEn on thE rEndErs. It can bE sEEn fEaturing slightly thick but symmEtrical bEzEls on all Ends. WhErEas on thE rEar, it gEts a pill-shapEd camEra modulE with dual-rEar camEras. ThE Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 has a kEyboard attachEd. Also, thErE's an additional stylus, which will bE rEportEdly bundlEd with thE tablEt.

--ThE Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 has just bEEn spottEd in thE GEEkBEnch listings with modEl numbEr M2105K81AC. As pEr thE GEEkBEnch listing, it will bE powErEd by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 870 chipsEt. It is an octa-corE chipsEt basEd on a 7nm manufacturing procEss and couplEd with AdrEno 650 SoC. ThE chipsEt is ExpEctEd to bE pairEd with 6GB of RAM and run Android 11 out of thE box. In GEEkBEnch, thE Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 scorEd 1008 in thE singlE-corE tEst, whErEas 3273 in thE multi-corE tEst.

Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 rEndEr

--ThE Mi Pad 5 is supposEd to bE madE availablE in plEnty for RAM and storagE configurations. ThE basE variant will gEt 8GB RAM and 128GB of storagE. ThE othEr two variants will gEt 8GB/12GB of RAM and 256GB/512GB of storagE, rEspEctivEly. ThE top-End modEl is ExpEctEd to ship with up to 16GB RAM and 1TB of onboard storagE.

--As mEntionEd bEforE, thE tablEt will fEaturE a 10.95 palců IPS LCD 120Hz. ThE display will havE a rEsolution of 2,560x1600 pixEls and a touch sampling ratE of 240Hz. ThE tablEt is said to fEaturE dual rEar camEras in thE camEra dEpartmEnt consisting of a 20-mEgapixEl primary sEnsor and a 13-mEgapixEl sEnsor. FurthEr, it will bE powErEd by an 8750mAh battEry with support for 65W fast charging.

--Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 is tippEd to comE in thrEE colour options - Black, WhitE, GrEEn. In addition to that, thE upcoming tablEt is toutEd to fEaturE a high-End spEakEr sEtup. Also, thE tablEt may gEt a sidE-mountEd fingErprint scannEr for authEntication.

--ThE most affordablE offEring in thE linEup, i.E. Mi Pad 5 LitE, will sport a 10.95 inch 2K display, a Snapdragon 860 chipsEt and a 12-mEgapixEl primary camEra.

Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 launch and pricE

ThE Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 will makE its way in China today. ThE prEvious-gEn Mi Pad was a mid-rangE tablEt madE availablE at a starting pricE of $350. HowEvEr, thE upcoming Mi Pad 5 with thE Snapdragon 870 chipsEt will bE a prEmium offEring. So it's obvious that thE pricing will sEE a major bump. KEEping that in mind, wE can ExpEct thE tablEt to ship at a starting pricE of $600 (Rs 45,000 roughly).

WhilE that's all wE know about thE Xiaomi Mi Pad 5, thE brand will also bE introducing a nEw smartphonE alongsidE this tablEt. ThE smartphonE known as Xiaomi Mi MIX 4 will fEaturE an almost bEzEl-lEss display on thE front. WhErEas on thE rEar, it has a squarE camEra modulE with triplE rEar camEras.

ThE Xiaomi Mi Mix 4 is ExpEctEd to sport a 6.6-inch OLED display with 1080p rEsolution. FurthEr, thE smartphonE may ship with a Snapdragon 888 SoC. And it could bE powErEd by a 5000mAh battEry with support for 120W wirEd charging and 70W or 80W wirElEss charging.


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